'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka Added To The Wildwood Show
Hall of Famer 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka has just been added to the August, 2012 Wildwood Sports Card, Toy, Comic & Collectibles Show. The August Wildwood Show line up now looks like this: Hall of Fame Wrestling Star Nikolai Volkoff, Hall of Fame Wrestling Star 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka & Legendary Ring Announcer & Hall of Famer Howard Finkel. They will be appearing on Saturday, August 25. Keep checking our website for more possible guests to be added. Click here for more details.
Nikolai Volkoff, Howard Finkel & More Added to Wildwood
Hall of Fame Wrestling Star Nikolai Volkoff & Legendary Ring Announcer & Hall of Famer Howard Finkel have been added to the August, 2012 Wildwood Sports Card, Toy, Comic & Collectibles Show. They will be appearing on Saturday, August 25. Keep checking our website for more possible guests to be added. Click here for more details.
Wildwood Show Autograph Pricing Available
The prices for autographs are now available for the July Wildwood show. Click here for all the details. Get in on the VERY LIMITED package deals early. You can pre-pay with Paypal to ensure your package deal. Former pitching ace Tommy John & former baseball superstar 'HoJo' Howard Johnson will be signing autographs on July 7, 2012. Keep checking our website for updates.
'HoJo' Howard Johnson Added To The Wildwood Show
HoJo (Howard Johnson) former NY Mets great has just been added to the July 2012 Wildwood show. HoJo will be appearing with Baseball Great Tommy John on Saturday, July 7, 2012 from 11am - 2pm. Price list will be posted shortly. Keep checking our website RKSportsPromotions for updates!
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It's finally here! Please browse our entire website. Don't forget to check out our NEW & IMPROVED on-line store. Tell us what you think. Keep checking these blogs for updates and interesting articles.