RK Sports Promotions Blog

Wesley Walker & Freeman McNeil To Appear Feb 17

Former NY Jets greats Wesley Walker & Freeman McNeil will be appearing for autographs and photo ops at the Bordentown Sports Card & Collectibles Show on Feb 17, 2013. Keep checking our website for updates.

Frank Howard To Appear On Super Bowl Sunday

Baseball legend Frank Howard will be appearing at the Super Bowl show on February 3, 2013. Click here for more details. Howard's nicknames include: Hondo, The Washington Monument & The Capital Punisher. Keep checking our website for updates.

Auction Date Re-scheduled to Nov 14

Due to Hurricane Sandy and the nor-easter that hit our area, our monthly Wednesday Sports Card & Collectibles Auction has been re-scheduled to Wednesday, November 14. The list of items can be viewed by clicking on the event on our website's home page: RK Sports Promotions.
Food will be served and a fun time guaranteed!
See you there!!!!

Wildwood Show - Aug 2012

Wow!! What a great turn-out for the August 24-25-26, 2012 Sports Card, Toy, Comic & Collectibles Show at the Wildwoods Convention Center in Wildwood, NJ. 1000's & 1000's of people came through the doors to shop at the 130 tables of merchandise. Autograph guests included Football stars: Ickey Woods, Irv Smith, Irving Fryar, Blair Thomas, Ben Hawkins & Mario Henry. Wrestling Hall of Famers included: Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka, Howard Finkel, Tony Atlas & Nikolai Volkoff. Boxing champ Simon Brown was there and the original Philly Phanatic Dave Raymond was also there. Thanks to all of our great guests, dealers and customers for attending. Keep checking our website for future shows.

Ickey Woods Added to the August Wildwood Show!

Former Cincinnati Bengals Superstar Ickey Woods has just been added to the list of autograph guest for the August Wildwood Show. Ickey was best known for his touchdown celebrations which were entitled 'The Ickey shuffle'. Click here to watch the Ickey Shuffle. Click here for more show details.

Michael Vick's Appearance in Wildwood

Thanks to all who supported the July 6-7-8 Wildwood show. The attendance was great. Michael Vick appeared for autographs on Saturday to a crowd of 100's of fans. Tommy John & Howard Johnson were on hand as well for autographs on Saturday. They turned out to be great guys! Thanks again to everyone! Come out and attend our next Wildwood show on August 24-25-26. There will be autograph guests there as well. Check it out! Click here for more info!

Michael Vick Added To The July Wildwood Show!!!!

Yes! Michael Vick will be at the July Wildwood Show!!!! Click here for all the details.

What's Going On With Sports Card Values?

Why do cards go down in value? Supply and demand are supposed to be the reason. There should never be a reason for any vintage cards (1969 & older) to go down in value. They only keep getting older! Beckett price guide states that their regional coorespondents report back to them with card market activity. I am personally out at card shows on a regular basis for the past 22 years. I have spoken to 100's of dealers and not 1 of them have told me that a Beckett representative approached them regarding their card sales. What does that mean? Is it possible that the 1000+ card shows that I have attended over the years have been missed by the price guide experts? Come on! Every once in a while I glance in the price guide to check values of cards that I have only to see that some of the major cards that I own have gone down in value. Why have some of these player's cards gone down in value: Emmitt Smith, Dan Marino, John Elway, Mickey Mantle, Michael Jordan (Rookie), Willie Mays (1953), Wayne Gretzky (Rookie), Tom Seaver (Rookie), etc. You get the idea. Collectors want a good deal. They want to pay less than book price for a card. When they do, does that mean that the card now has gone down in value? Will the price guide reflect this new purchase as the new value? Will collectors now try to buy this card at a new discounted price once the price has been lowered because of that purchase? Will the price guide now reflect this new purchase and lower the value again? This can go on and on until the card has absolutely no value. This is the reason that the hobby will not last longer than the present generation. People cannot afford the new cards and when they do purchase them, they lose value. When collectors invest in vintage, some of these cards go down in value. This puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth. The kids nowadays do not collect sports cards. There is no incentive to. Why should they lose money that they can put towards new phones and video games.
I understand that newer cards fluctuate in value depending on player's performances, actions, etc. But once a card has aged and the player depicted on the card has established themself as a star, their card should only go up in value as it gets older...like an antique. What are your thoughts? By the way, you can purchase 1000's of cards and collectibles on our website. Continue to support our hobby!!

The NY Mets Finally Get their 1st No Hitter From Johan Santana

It only took the NY Mets more than 50 years, which translates to 8020 games to get their 1st no-hitter. Johan Santana pitched a gem last night (June 1, 2012) earning the franchises 1st no hitter. Johan struck 8 batters while walking 5 on his way to history. And he did it against the defending World Champions St. Louis Cardinals. You can check out many NY Mets collectibles as well as 1000's of other collectibles for sale on our website: RK Sports Promotions.

Tony Atlas Added To The August Wildwood Show

Hall of Fame Wrestling Legend Tony Atlas has just been added to the already star studded August 2012 Wildwood Show line-up. Click here for more details. Keep checking for updates!
